My gallery

Nature's Resilience

Metal and Wood-18x12x10”

In this powerful piece from the “Nature’s Resilience” series, a saw blade intersects a piece of wood, vividly symbolizing the ongoing destruction of nature by human hands. The juxtaposition of the industrial saw blade against the organic form of the wood highlights the relentless encroachment of technology and industry on natural life. This sculpture urges viewers to reflect on their role in deforestation and encourages a commitment to protecting and respecting our forests. This sculpture inviting viewers to reconsider their actions and encourages a collective effort to save and respect the trees that are vital to our planet’s health.

Ture’s Resilience” series, this sculpture portrays the delicate balance between nature and human intervention. The saw blade represents the invasive force of industry, while the wood symbolizes the resilience of nature. This piece is a poignant reminder of the need to protect our environment, encouraging viewers to reflect on their own impact and take action to preserve the world’s forests.